LockBot : Android Lock Screen Customization

I haven't got iPhone 4 yet. So I'd like to introduce you my recent favorite android app :-). LockBot is fully customize lock screen on Android. You can change your lock screen UI as iPhone or X10. Please look at above screenshot. It seems I just changed the wallpaper on lock screen but please take a look carefully there is no status bar. I changed my lock screen as fullscreen and I also adjusted the position of clock for Mio(wallpaper).

One of disadvantage of lock screen feature of Android than iPhone is Android doesn't set the delay of screen lock. It always locks your device immediately. But LockBot also provides this capability into Android. I can wake up my nexus one from trackball as well.
As you know, One of Android's strong point is a flexibility. This movie is my recent favorite home screen on Nexus One. You can see obvious advantage than iPhone at home screen too:-P
Posted from my iPad