Drift Diary XV

Upgrade to Comcast Extreme 50

Posted by drikin on 2010年6月17日 23:18

Recently my apartment internet speed was significantly slow. I can't breath any more if this situation doesn't change for a while. Then I decided to upgrade Comcast Hi-Speed Internet from Blast 20 to Extreme 50. It's basically just swaps the modem from old one to new one. But I had a trouble to activate the new modem. I have spend 2 hour and half to resolve the issue with chatting Comcast support.

Speedtest 2010-06-17 at 10.32.37 PM

Please look at my Speedtest result! I got over 20Mbps speed! But I think Japanese people can't believe I have to spend over $100 per month to get 20Mbps connection speed. :-(

Finally, I could watch the YouTube video as 1080p without buffering interrupt. Holly Cow!

I have almost spend two night for fixing internet connection...

IMG_20100617_200103 IMG_20100617_200306 IMG_20100617_200314 Speedtest 2010-06-17 at 10.40.02 PM
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